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How to Use Wallpaper in a Bedroom to Give It a New Look and Feel

Wallpaper in a Bedroom

How to Use Wallpaper in a Bedroom to Give It a New Look and Feel

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While many people have attempted to Wallpaper in a Bedroom, only a select few know how to get the most beauty out of wallpapers. Wallpaper isn’t just something you put up to cover bare walls. Instead, it should be a key component of the room’s overall design.

Here are four new and easy ways to Wallpaper in a Bedroom. Check them out to see which ideas are best suited to your bedroom’s decor. If all goes according to plan, the wallpaper could be your favorite part of the room.

Wallpaper in a Bedroom |Defining a color scheme

If you want to use Wallpaper in a Bedroom, consider using it to establish the overall color scheme. The image above makes it easy to see how a monochromatic color scheme works. Everything from the wallpaper to the blankets, bedding, and throw pillows all come together to create a cohesive look in the room. Choosing a wallpaper you like first is essential if you decide to go this route. Construct the rest of the space around it. Remember that the size of the pattern is important, even if you go with a different aesthetic. It should be in proportion to the room’s size. Larger rooms look really good with larger patterns and vice versa.


Create an Accent Wall

It’s a no-brainer to decorate an accent wall with wallpaper because it’s a statement piece. Use your biggest patterns and brightest shades on Wallpaper in a Bedroom with accent walls to draw attention. Don’t be afraid to risk everything. What’s most important here is where you place that wallpaper. Accent walls are most effective when they draw attention to the room’s most important feature. Choosing the wall at the foot of the bed is the most common option in a bedroom. If you’re going for a more mural-like pattern, however, you may be able to make an exception.


Wallpaper in a Bedroom |Create a Makeshift Headboard

We all know that furniture is pricey. Even if you’re not quite ready to spend the money on a new headboard, you might be able to get away with using wallpaper instead. Rolls of wallpaper are inexpensive and can be used in various ways to suit a wide range of preferences. In this case, you’ll be most concerned about the application itself. You can start the process with proper sizing. Your bed’s width should be considered when determining the size of the wallpaper. You should leave a two- to three-inch border on both sides as a general guideline. Now you need to find out where you should install it. Apply the wallpaper to a smooth and free of pockmarks wall. If you do this, your final product will be less likely to have annoying air bubbles.


Wallpaper in a Bedroom

Adding Texture is a Good Idea

In the end, Wallpaper in a Bedroom is a great way to give a room some much-needed texture. When designing interiors, remember that texture is all about how something looks and feels. One of the fundamental principles of interior design is that a space is made more visually appealing by including a variety of textures. The wallpaper in your bedroom will have a texture, no matter what type of print you choose. This is the case because of the materials used in its whole construction. If you want to add a sense of texture, you can choose a rough-looking pattern like this one. Natural-inspired prints are ideal for this purpose. For a modern and refined look, you can’t go wrong with natural-looking prints like wood or stone. If you need any help, we at iCondoStyle are at your service.

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