Deciding on the right Wallpaper and calculating how much to purchase can be difficult. Tips for a successful shopping trip are here. You can either make a room appear bigger, warmer, and brighter (or vice versa) or hide flaws in its design by using the right wall covering.
Color Is a Good Cue
Color has the power to alter the atmosphere of a room. Choose Wallpaper patterns with cool-colored backgrounds, such as green, blue, or violet, to make a room appear larger and the ceiling higher. Soft cool colors evoke a sense of calm, whereas intense cool colors exude a sense of dynamism and energy. It’s no exaggeration to say that warm colors like red, yellow, and orange do what they say they’ll do: make you feel warm. Popular in colder climates, they also work well in rooms with north-facing windows. The more vibrant the color, the more stimulating it will be to a space.
Make Use of the Light
Consider using light-reflecting patterns and metallic or iridescent inks on Wallpaper in a room with a north-facing orientation, a dark hallway, or an area without windows. Most light can be reflected from patterns with smooth surfaces. Dark colors absorb light, giving the illusion of a smaller room because of how close the walls appear to be. Walls with textured surfaces appear darker.
Wallpaper Texture Conceals Flaws
Wall flaws and architectural blights can be concealed or disguised with patterns that have real or perceived texture. Grass and string cloth, burlap, foil, expanded vinyl, and even fabric are examples of tactile patterns. Even animal skins and stones can be imitated in other papers. Additionally, a layered pattern gives the viewer a sense of texture (such as a monochromatic damask design behind a floral pattern). When selecting wallpaper patterns, keep in mind how and how often the room will be used.
Decide on an Appropriate Wallpaper Design
Choose large-scale patterns of Wallpaper in vibrant colors for a more formal appearance. Polka dots, for example, are a fun and bright choice for a fun and bright style. Borders can have a significant visual impact. Different themes and styles are available for borders – from sports scenes to pastoral views to wildlife images.
Place Emphasis on What Is Good
Patterns that emphasize height, such as stripes and other vertical patterns, convey a sense of dignity, vitality, and formality. Vertical patterns, such as florals with motifs that resemble a V or a U, can give the illusion that a ceiling is higher. Using horizontal patterns in a room makes it appear larger and more spacious while also evoking feelings of calm and relaxation.
Choose the Right Pattern of Wallpaper
Large-scale Wallpaper patterns enclosed spaces while small-scale patterns enlarge them. Choose large-scale patterns with bright colors and dark backgrounds to make an empty room look more furnished. Try a large, open dimensional pattern, like a trellis design, to give flat walls the illusion of depth.
Mix and Match Cleverly
For example, a room without any patterns can be tedious, while one filled with them causes restlessness. Colors in the same or similar shades should be used when mixing stripes, florals, or plaids in a room or between adjoining areas. Wallcovering books typically arrange their designs according to hue to facilitate color coordination.
How Can You Determine The Number of Wallpaper Rolls You Need?
- To understand how many rolls of Wallpaper you need, first, determine how many square feet of wall space you need to cover. Measure a wall horizontally and vertically from the ceiling to the floor. Take the sum of the two numbers. Repeat for the remaining walls—total everything up.
- If you’re covering a ceiling, multiply the length by the width to get the square footage.
- Calculate the average square footage of a standard single roll of wallpaper by multiplying each figure by 25.
- Take away half of the single roll from the total for each window and door. The total number of single rolls needed is the result of this calculation. Whenever possible, you can round fractions to the next highest whole number. Divide this number by two if your wallpaper comes in double rolls (which is the case for most residential wallpaper).