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What is window casing?

window casing

What is window casing?

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To complete any window installation, whether it is a bay or a picture window, you must select the type of window casing you desire. What type of casing is best for your home can be found here.

It is common to refer to the window casing as the “finishing touch” due to its role as the exterior covering of the window frame. The molding around your doors and other windows is frequently picked to match your casing to maintain a neat appearance. In addition to its aesthetic value, casing serves a vital functional purpose. Ensure it’s placed correctly and thoroughly to keep out the outside air and prevent drafts from getting into your home. There are a variety of different styles to choose from when it comes to casings.

Complete window casing

A single piece of window casing protects all four sides of your window. If you want a modern or more conventional look, complete casing is the option for you. For a more textured look, the casing can be completed in layers.


Low-profile window casing

The low-profile casing is a simpler kind of window casing. The low-profile casing is a more functional alternative to trim because it doesn’t have the same aesthetic effect. Instead of covering all four sides of the window, the low-profile casing is buried within the window frame itself. A low-profile casing is a great choice if you want your windows to blend in with the rest of your home’s decor.


High Profile window casing

Opt for a High Profile Window Casing alternative if you want to make a statement with your window casing. There are various ways to obtain this, from adding additional layers to your case to adding specific details at your request. Making your windows stand out from the rest of your house is as simple as installing a high-profile casing around them.


Traditional Casing

Like low-profile casing, the traditional casing is designed to blend in with the rest of your home’s decor. In contrast, a typical casing lies on the outside of your window frame rather than on the inside. The traditional casing features straight lines and a smooth, clean design without the appearance of layers and elaboration. You can keep your window casings and other moldings white for a clean, fresh look, but some homeowners choose to paint them to get a more dramatic effect. A dark window enclosure might accentuate a modern or industrial-style home. A Victorian-style house or a beach cottage would benefit greatly from painted casings and rims to match the wall color or an accent color.


Trim & window casing

Trim vs. window casing: What’s the Difference?

There are still those who cannot distinguish between the two types of trim commonly used on windows. To designate a trim as a phrase for a wide variety of millwork or moldings, you fall into this group. On the other hand, Casings are thick frames that encircle the outside of doors and windows.



Many people aren’t sure what window casing is, but a simple definition is that its molding surrounds all of your building’s windows. Additionally, this sturdy design enhances the aesthetics of your home and provides plenty of storage space for ornaments. Modern, conventional, complete, and low-profile casings are among the most popular. For those who are looking for the most options, a high-profile enclosure is a way to go. Look for a product that matches the rest of your home’s design before purchasing a casing kit. Alternatively, consult a specialist.

Our job is to aid you in choosing the right window casing for your home and make sure it’s installed correctly. Contact us right away for a free quote.

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