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Huge Mistakes that you should avoid in Kitchen Cabinet Painting

Huge Mistakes in Kitchen Cabinet Painting

Huge Mistakes that you should avoid in Kitchen Cabinet Painting

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Kitchen cabinet painting can appear to be a simple task on Pinterest, but it’s a lot more complicated than it appears. Kitchen cabinet painting is a task that is not without its difficulties.

Listed here are some of the most common mistakes people make while starting a business, as well as some tips on how to avoid them. If you follow our tips for kitchen cabinet painting, you’ll have a gorgeous new kitchen to show off! Painting kitchen cabinets is well worth the time and effort because it completely transforms the look of the space.


The amount of time you give yourself is inadequate.

To quote Sherry Petersik, who, with her husband, tracked kitchen painting endeavors for their well-known blog Young House Love, “this isn’t a relaxing Sunday activity. It takes at least 4 to 7 days to complete the required prep work when you factor in the time needed for the actual painting, she explains (and snack breaks, of course).

You didn’t clean the wood.

If you think your kitchen is clean, you still need to use a grease remover to clean it, adds Fahrbach. As a result, the paint won’t stick when you apply it to an oily door. TSP, a paint-prep degreaser, and a non-scratch, gently scour sponge are two of his go-to cleaning products.


Kitchen Cabinet Painting

You forget to remove the doors and drawers before kitchen cabinet painting

To get started, here’s a critical step: Removing all of the doors and drawers will free up a lot of space. To save time, some people opt to paint the entire door while it is still in place, but Petersik cautioned that this was a short-term solution.

As soon as one month has gone by, your cabinets and hardware will show indications of wear. The only way to remove cracked paint from the hinges is to sand everything down and wash the hardware. Save yourself the hassle.


Before painting your cabinets, make sure they are dust-free.

Make sure to sweep up any dust or debris before dipping the brush into the paint. “You’ll get a rough finish, and it’ll look like you painted over sand,” warns Fahrbach if a few dust particles get in the paint.


Before painting cabinets, you forgot to elevate them.

Before painting your cabinets, it’s a good idea to prop them up. Make it easier to brush around the bottom corners of the doors by placing them on painter’s pyramids.


You don’t use a primer

Avoiding this step may seem like a good idea at first. Petersik warns that knots in the wood can bleed through the paint three weeks or three months after the kitchen is done. For kitchen cabinet painting, be sure to use a stain-blocking primer to avoid random blotches when the paint cures.


A mistake was made when you smeared cabinet paint over the wrong surfaces.

Instead of starting with the front of the doors, paint the backs first. Why? As long as the paint doesn’t smear on the cabinet’s interior if you open the door too quickly, you’re not completely out of luck with this design.


The color you chose is not suitable.

There is, of course, no one-size-fits-all color for your kitchen. When it comes to cabinetry, you need to do it right the first time. It’s an easy DIY, but if you don’t like the color, you won’t want to recreate it anytime soon, says Petersik.


In a hurry, you put the cabinets back in their places.

Yes, it’s excruciating to wait for the paint to dry for days on end. When it comes to kitchen cabinet painting, if you make a mistake and smear a bit of paint on the door, you’ll have to sand the whole thing down and start over. The doors on the floor are drying, and “as much as it annoys me to stare at them, I’d prefer to wait rather than jump the gun,” Petersik adds.

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