When you’re thinking about kitchen remodeling, you will have a lot of questions. Many homeowners want to know how much this will cost them and how to cut costs without sacrificing quality. What if your kitchen remodel is going to cost more than $30,000, and you’ve already received an estimate? Here, we break down the most expensive part of remodeling your kitchen, as well as a slew of money-saving tips and tricks.
In kitchen remodeling, a few variables determine the most expensive parts. The most important factor in evaluating the cost of a kitchen remodel is the size of the project you have in mind. According to a trusted source, The average kitchen renovation costs $52,000, including replacing countertops, floors, cabinets, and everything else in the kitchen.
Where would you spend most of your money on kitchen remodeling?
An average kitchen remodeling involves spending $13,000 or more on new cabinets alone. At an average cost of $6,200, new appliances come in second. The next most expensive item is the countertop, typically around $4,000.
If you need electrical work for your kitchen remodeling, you’ll have to add a significant amount of money to the project’s total cost. If you’re not careful, plumbing and electrical work can quickly become one of your biggest expenses.
The size of your entire kitchen, the extent of your kitchen remodeling, and even the city where you live will significantly impact these figures.
Save money by following these tips for kitchen remodeling on a budget
It can save money on even the most expensive kitchen remodeling projects, such as countertops and cabinetry. You can get the kitchen you have always dreamed of on a budget by following these tips and tricks.
Start with a budget and stick to it
Setting a budget before purchasing any materials is essential. Decide how much money you’ll need to buy everything you want for kitchen remodeling. How much does it cost? Assuming that’s what you’re going to hear, it’s important to address this issue in advance. Do you need all of the items on your list, or can you do without some? Don’t forget that most renovations end up costing more than originally anticipated.
Don’t move the sink and appliances
It’s best to leave the gas and water lines alone if you’re trying to save money on kitchen remodeling. It is necessary to hire a plumber or electrician to reroute these lines in order to move them. It’s very common for individuals to underestimate how much this will cost. If your kitchen really needs to have these appliances relocated, there are other ways to upgrade your kitchen without altering the overall footprint.
Only replace cabinets if it’s necessary
The cost of kitchen cabinetry is the most significant part of a typical remodeling project. A large part of the reason cabinets are so pricey is that their lifespan is expected to outlive the refrigerator and oven. It’s possible to get cabinets that look great for at least 15 years or more. In addition to being less expensive, repairing old cabinets can give them a whole new and improved appearance. It’s a simple and inexpensive way to get the look of new cabinets without having to spend a lot of money.
With iCondoStyle, kitchen remodeling can be less expensive. We’re confident you’ll be pleased with our low-cost options! Interested in finding out more? Give us a call. We also offer other services such as whole basement renovation or bathroom renovation and many other services that you can see on our website.