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15 mistakes to avoid when home remodeling

home remodeling

15 mistakes to avoid when home remodeling

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In terms of home remodeling, make sure you get it right the first time, whether you do it yourself or pay a professional. Home improvements can quickly drain your resources and sap your energy without adequate planning and execution. The following are some common renovation blunders to avoid:

home remodeling

Home Remodeling Mistakes

1. Setting an outrageously high budget

Cost overruns are common during renovations. Add 20% to your budget to account for unanticipated expenses.


2. The home remodeling design does not match the original style of the building

It isn’t necessary for home remodeling to follow the original structure’s design cues. However, for selling purposes and your own enjoyment, they must complement your primary residence in some way.


3. Sacrificing usefulness for aesthetics

You need to think about how you’ll want to use the area. Think about where you want to put things like doors, windows, electrical outlets, and how people move around your house.


4. Trying to fit in with the newest trends in home remodeling

Resale value is just as important as the home’s new, updated appearance. On the other hand, good home remodeling design endures for a lifetime, regardless of fashion. Consult a designer if you have any concerns.


5. Putting in new appliances at the last moments

To ensure the overall design accommodates your preferred appliances, choose them first. Wait until you’re ready to have them installed before purchasing them.


6. Purchasing home furnishings and accessories way too early before home remodeling

Be patient and hold off on making large home furnishings purchases until the home remodeling project is well underway and accurate measurements can be taken. If you don’t, you risk ordering the wrong materials or appliances that won’t fit. You might think about getting new carpeting or flooring installed in later months. Pre-holiday sales are common at home improvement stores, and contractors are more willing to negotiate during the slow season of the year


7. Not requesting additional flooring

To account for installation waste and defects, purchase at least 20% more material than you need to complete the project.


8. Being obsessed with appearances in home remodeling

Fix any structural or safety issues, like updating the electrical system or ensuring sound foundations and subflooring in home remodeling. Preventing damage to your new, attractive finishes now will save you time and money in the event of an issue on the road.


9. Ignoring the workflow

In kitchens, this is especially crucial. To make the most of the new design’s practicality and make the most of the available space, keep in mind the “work triangle” between the refrigerator, sink, and stove.


10. Investing in low-cost home remodeling materials

A few years from now, you won’t have to worry about replacing the materials you used for your home remodeling. When it comes to building supplies, don’t skimp.


11. Updating in the wrong way

Storage and other features that aren’t merely ornamental might add long-term value to your property. Instead of investing in quality flooring, you may save money by using an expensive wall treatment.


12. Ignoring specific details of home remodeling

Consider the things that will help you get the most out of the home remodeling. Adding pantry pullouts, toe-kick storage, and other efficiency-enhancing kitchen features later is possible, but the materials you’ve previously upgraded may be damaged.


13. Randomly selecting contractors

Don’t make a selection of a contractor too quickly. You should speak with several potential contractors and any of their prior clients or clients’ references. Check with each contractor to ensure they are on the same page regarding your expectations. Never be afraid to ask them about the materials, the layout, and the construction process. They’re there to help you. Comparison shop for bids and references, and make sure you have a good working relationship with your contractor before hiring them only based on price.


14. Taking the wrong measurements in home remodeling

Having accurate measurements is essential for home remodeling projects. Many times and money can be saved by following the proverb “measure twice, cut once.” Even the tiniest error can have a major impact, resulting in poor fit and the need to replenish materials.


15. Ignoring the advice of home remodeling experts

Having a professional architect or designer for your home remodeling helps you fine-tune your plans and can save you unnecessary money and time in the long run. Professionals like us at iCondoStyle can assist you and make your plans more useful and efficient.

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